FedWorld News

Federations Praise Congress, President for National Security Supplemental

The Jewish Federations of North America this week praised Congress and President Biden for passing and signing into law the National Security Supplemental Bill that helps protect our allies abroad and citizens of the United States during a time of heightened extremism and hatred.

These b…

Federations applaud House passage of Israel aid, NSGP, TikTok bills

Jewish Federations of North America applaud the House for passing the National Security Supplemental, a collection of bills that confronts this perilous moment in our history head on and includes priorities for which Federations have been advocating for many months.


“At a difficult mo…

Federations' Funds Helping Israelis Celebrate 2024 Passover

This Passover, there will be more than 1,600 more empty seats at Seder tables in Israel. Family members grieving the loss of their loved ones after the horrific Hamas attacks on Israel. 123,000 displaced Israelis, from both communities bordering Gaza and those in the line of Hezbollah’s fi…

Federations Survey: Just 28% of Americans Support Unconditional Ceasefire

Five months after Hamas’s brutal, horrific, and unprovoked attacks against Israel on October 7th, Americans’ support for Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas remain steadfast, according to a Jewish Federations of North America survey.

Just 28% of Americans support an unconditional cea…

Jewish Federations Applaud $400M for Nonprofit Security

Jewish Federations of North America applaud the inclusion of roughly $400 million in emergency funding to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) in the National Security Supplemental package introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this afternoon. 

This $26.4 billion package i…